
Tips mengambil gambar

Sebagaimana ibu-ibu lain, aku memang sangat suka mengambil gambar Aqil dalam proses tumbesarannya...Tapi macam biasalah..dalam 100 frame gambar yang aku ambil..gambar yang worth untuk di print cuma 2-3 keping..hehe..

bukan senang nak ambik gambar..terutamanya bila Aqil memang sangat excited bila tengok kamera ibu dia..bila lensa kamera hadap kat dia je..berebut-rebut dia datang kat ibu nak tolong tekan butang..hehe..sabar je la..

Antara tip-tip menarik yang aku boleh kongsikan bersama ibu-ibu lain bagi mendapatkan gambar yang menarik.. (tip adalah tajaan encik gugel)

Get down to baby’s level.
One way to make babies look like blobs is to shoot them from above. If you get down to their level, you’ll see all the details in their faces.

Take a lot of pictures in a row.
It might be your 5th or your 11th picture that really captures that smile
Bring out the birthday suit. Little naked babies are the cutest thing in the world, and the images look more iconic than those in lots of clothes

Photograph all the expressions.
One of my favorite pictures of my daughter is this one of her crying. No, I’m not heartless! It’s just that she’s so little and this is an expression I used to see a lot when she was hungry or tired. Those days are over, and I like remembering these boo hoo’ey baby moments as much as the smiley ones.

Don’t look, just shoot!
The best way to get those huge grins is to interact with your baby while you’re shooting. They’re not interested in the camera, but they are interested in your expressions. Make goofy faces and maintain eye contact with your baby, while shooting the camera. You don’t need to look through the viewfinder, just trust it and shoot. Check your frame now and then, and keep making silly faces.

Include others in the pictures.
Seeing a newborn in someone’s arms gives context to how teeny they are. Shoulder shots are a great way to see both parent and baby.


Unknown berkata... [Reply]

salam Rai,

kakyong amik foto main hentam jer... ikut jer mana2 angle yg berkenan.. cuma kamera kakyong ni, dia punya silauan flash tu kekdg ganggu mata anak.. huhuuhhh, frush je bile tgk foto anak2 mata 'kecik' sbb dok menahan silau flash..

Unknown berkata... [Reply]

Kak yong,
sebenarnya lebih elok kalau tak guna flash.. tapi kena guna manual mode..nanti saya buat entry macam mana nak setup..cuma masalah sikit bila nak ambik gambar dlm rumah, sebab sumber cahaya terhad..

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