
Hotaru no haka

Uish..lebat hujan kat luar..sedap-sedap elok je hendak tido. Malangnya mata aku tak mengantuk walau pun pinggang da lengoh gila..Time-time hujan gini teringat aku kat cerita hotaru no haka (grave of firefly) Cerita studio Ghibli tu.. (Kepada sesiapa yang belum pernah tengok sila tengok)

Synopsis dari wikipedia

Taking place toward the end of World War II in Japan, Grave of the Fireflies is the tale of the relationship between two orphaned children, pre-teen Seita (清太) and his young sister Setsuko (節子). The children lose their mother in the firebombing of Kobe, and their father serving in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and as a result are forced to try to survive amidst widespread famine and the callous indifference of their countrymen, some of whom are their own extended family members.

The movie begins in Sannomiya Station and portrays Seita, in rags and dying of starvation. A janitor comes and digs through his things, and finds a candy tin containing ashes and bones. He throws it out, and from it springs the spirit of Setsuko, Seita, and a cloud of fireflies. The spirit of Seita continues to narrate their story, which is, in effect, an extended flashback to Japan at the end of World War II, during the Kobe firebombings. Setsuko and Seita, the two siblings, are left to secure the house and their belongings, allowing their mother, who suffers from a heart complaint, to move to a bomb shelter. They are caught off-guard by firebombs dropped in their neighborhood, and although they survive unscathed, their mother is caught in the air raid and dies from her burns. Having nowhere else to go, Setsuko and Seita move in with a distant aunt, who allows them to stay but convinces Seita to sell his mother's kimonos for rice. While living with their relatives, Seita goes out to retrieve leftover supplies he had buried in the ground before the bombing. He gives all of it to his aunt, but hides a small tin of fruit drops, which becomes a recurrent icon throughout the film. Their aunt continues to feed and shelter them but as they gradually begin to run out of rice and food, she abruptly becomes increasingly cold and resentful. During breakfast one day, she openly remarks on how they do nothing to earn the food she cooks for them or help around the house and have outstayed their welcome.

Seita and Setsuko finally decide to leave and move into an abandoned bomb shelter. What begins as an optimistic new lease on life gradually grows grim as they run out of rice, and Seita is forced to steal crops from local farmers and loot homes during air raids. When he is caught stealing sugar, he realizes his desperation and takes an increasingly ill Setsuko to a doctor, who informs him that Setsuko is suffering from malnutrition but offers no help or advice. In a panic, Seita withdraws all the money remaining in their mother's bank account, but while at the bank he learns of Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allies and the probable death of his father. He returns to the shelter with large quantities of food, only to find a dying Setsuko hallucinating, sucking buttons as if they were fruit drops. Setsuko offers Seita 'rice balls' which are really only dirt clods. Seita gives her a bite of watermelon and hurries to cook some food, but she "doesn't wake up." Seita uses supplies donated to him by a farmer to cremate her, and puts some of her ashes in the fruit tin which he carries with his father's photograph until his death in the train station on September 21, 1945.

At the end of the film, the spirits of Seita and Setsuko are seen, no longer raggedy and emaciated but healthy and well-dressed, sitting side-by-side as they look down on the modern-day city of Kobe.

Moral of the story ni adalah of course supaya kita sentiasa menghargai keamanan yang kita sedang nikmati. Selain dari tu, menunjukkan betapa selfish nya manusia ni, walau pun towards sedara mara sendiri. Bila ada kepentingan berbaik-baikla..Bila takde kepentingan pertalian darah tu buang kat tepi. Apa lagi masa zaman-zaman sukar macam tu.

Aku takde la ada pengalaman pahit berkaitan dengan sedara mara ni. Tapi memang hati batu la kalau sapa tak menangis tengok cerita ni. Sungguh sedih..Tengok banyak-banyak kali pun sedih.. teringat pun sedih. (Maybe aku yang sensitif sangat kot sejak2 jadik ibu ni..hehehe)
Emosi sungguh...


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