
Sucking behavior

"Four months is about the age when babies discover their hands -- and find that they're wonderfully useful! They most love using them to get anything they can into their mouths, including their fingers. Sucking can be a sign of hunger, but if your daughter is eating and growing well, I don't think she's hungry constantly. Most likely, she's doing it to soothe herself, which is a very normal behavior; up to a third of infants suck a pacifier or their fingers. Unless you're ready to substitute something equally relaxing as often as your daughter sucks her fingers, stopping her could be hard and pretty upsetting for everyone. What's more, finger sucking now doesn't mean she'll be a thumb sucker later. But even if she does fall in love with her thumb, that behavior isn't worrisome either -- unless she's still at it when her permanent teeth come in around age 6. And there are lots of things you'll be able to do to break her of the habit long before then!"

Lately Aqil kerap betul hisap jari..not only jari dia..jari ibu..jari ayah...lengan..bahu..bak kata orang pantang melintas..semua pun nak masuk mulut. Kalau jari dia tu sampai separuh gu (buku lima) masuk mulut..Da la makin banyak cakap..Kalau nampak ayah dia lalu lalang..riuh la nak menegur..hehe..Kalau melayan dia borak memang tak jadik keja..Dia paling suka kalau orang nyanyikan lagu "tanya sama pokok".. Lebar sampai ke telinga sengeh..


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