
Entertainment or education?


Info yang sangat menarik aku baca. Nak jugak share dengan korang..

Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.

While the rich don't put much stock in furthering wealth through formal education, they appreciate the power of learning long after college is over, Siebold says.

"Walk into a wealthy person's home and one of the first things you'll see is an extensive library of books they've used to educate themselves on how to become more successful," he writes.

"The middle class reads novels, tabloids and entertainment magazines." 


Selamat menelaah.

Nota kaki : Actually there's nothing wrong to be average.. So jangan ada sesiapa yang baca terasa aku merendahkan sesiapa pulak ya.. 



Qashmere berkata... [Reply]

Yer setuju..heheh

Tanpa Nama berkata... [Reply]

sometimes rich people can also acting like an average people, while we (average?) can't do the most thing like they are. all the matters is about money...

(betul ke english aku ni?)

Unknown berkata... [Reply]


pada aku tak salah to act average. sbb average is what most people see as "normal". tapi kalau mampu beli majalah tu maksudnya mampu la kot nak spend beli buku education.. :D

the problem is..average people wasting most of their time and money for entertainment..yet, dia kata yang dia tak mampu nak act like rich people do.. dah buang masa buang duit..mana nak mampu.. betul tak..?

i think it is not really about the is the mentality..but i am not saying that it is wrong to be average..

Ujie Othman berkata... [Reply]

saya suka baca campur2..utk tau macam2.

Jna marcello berkata... [Reply]

utk ni org yg tak fikir negative means dyeorg akn faham ;))

Awk na nak say sorry lama da tak terjah blog ni i was so bz lately.. n tqsm selalu support Na n dtg blog Na *really appreciate =)

sitiezahim berkata... [Reply]

saya la tuh yg kadang2 masih mencari2 arah untuk menjadi educated..hehehe

Unknown berkata... [Reply]

As salam my dear,


Tak tahu nak komen apa... But now, I'm looking forward to have big house with a big bookshelves like a mini library! hehehehe.... And there's nothing wrong to think & dream big, right? ;)))

Unknown berkata... [Reply]

tak kisah average people or rich people, at least there learn about something thru "reading" rather than nothing but not tabloids and entertainment magazines lah hihihi

Mulan berkata... [Reply]

betol.. banyak membaca akan jadikan kita kaya.. (tapi diri ini sokmonya mim alif lam sin).... ggrrrr....!!!!

kay_are berkata... [Reply]

jadi average pun rase nye dah ok kalau cukup serba serbi.. at least golongan yang average macam ni takde r orang nak dengki iri hati sangat kan..

Tanpa Nama berkata... [Reply]

dtg baca lepas abis cuti2 mesia hehe

sal ya berkata... [Reply]

mix. baca la dua2 baru seimbang. mcm husben akak ni kata, kita bukan nak kaya sgt cukup la sedang2 je. janji mampu luangkan masa utk keluarga dan buat amalan lebih.

QA's ~ mamapapa berkata... [Reply]

alamak,Rai..akak ni asyik baca blog je hari2,eheheh!!!agak2 ada jgk unsur educationkan?eheheh!!!
* am an average who's dreaming to b rich,always,kihkihkih!!!

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