
Learn to forgive and forget

If someone you really love said something bad to you. Really bad. How long it will you take to forgive her? an hour after she apologize? week later? You may think that it may takes a long time to forgive someone that have hurt you. Some of you may think that you will NEVER be able to forgive her or him for what they have done or said to you. You think that you feel hurt and suffer for the bad thing that they did or said to you. However, did you realize that the one who will suffer is not "you" but "she or he" that still not been forgiven. They suffer more than you THINK you are. As long as you don`t forgive them. Yes, they are terrible. They did bad thing to you. They said bad thing to you or about you. But they realized that they are totally wrong and ask for your forgiveness. Sometimes what they did to you make other people feel sorry for you and hate them. So, as long as you don`t forgive them they will be hated by their love one and other people close to you and them. See, this is how they are suffering
because the have hurt you.

Saying that you are forgiven must comes from your heart. Just saying that you forgive someone without meaning it
is the worst thing you could do to someone you love or to anyone. Forgiveness should really comes from your heart.
You must learn how to forgive and forget. Forgiveness is your choice. You can say that it is not you don`t want to forgive them, but you cannot. It will not change the fact that it is your choice not to forgive.

I`m not saying that it is bad to get angry or feel hurt but by not forgiving others we will only makes thing worse. We will keep reminding ourselves how terrible others has treat us. This will only make us feel even worse. How do we live a healthy life if we have hate and bad things in our mind.

Many people would like to think that if someone they love hurt them, they cannot forgive her. They cannot accept that someone that they really love will do something to hurt them. But always remember, we are all human. Sometimes, we do make mistakes. Whether it`s a big one or just a small mistake. Once we learn to really forgive and forget you will know that it will not only makes we feel good about ourselves. Other people will feel good about us. Thus we will be love by many people.

For people around me that I`ve been hurt. I truly sorry for what I`ve done and said that makes you feel hurt. The truth is I never meant to hurt you but sometimes it is hard to control myself from being selfish.


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