
Apa yang mesti anda tahu mengenai kamera II

Istilah yang mesti diketahui sono 2 - ISO sensitivity

Nilai ISO adalah nombor yang menunjukkan nilai sensitiviti sebuah kamera digital terhadap cahaya. lebih tinggi nilai yang dipilih, semakin kurang cahaya yang diperlukan. Kelemahan sewaktu memilih nilai ISO yang lebih tinggi adalah kerana ia akan menyebabkan noise yang lebih jelas. Tetapi ia juga bergantung kepada jenis kamera yang digunakan.

Berikut adalah panduan memilih ISO mengikut kadar cahaya di sekeliling. (sumber gugel)

Biasanya dalam keadaan cahaya rendah, nilai ISO yang tinggi digunakan bersama setting shutter speed yang rendah. Manakala di bawah cahaya yang mencukupi nilai standard ISO adalah 100 bersama nilai shutter speed yang sepadan dengan keadaan cahaya.

ISO settings

AUTO ISO - digital camera automatically sets the ISO speed according the the brightness of the scene, increasing or decreasing the sensitivity. User has no control over which ISO number is used.

ISO 80 - for taking photos in bright light; excellent for close-ups, landscape, and portraits. Produces fine detail and image quality.

ISO 100 - for extra sensitivity with little, if any, reduced image quality.

ISO 200 - cloudy and overcast days. Acceptable image quality, with some visible noise.

ISO 400 - suitable for indoor photography whether or not a flash is used. Useful for “stop-action” and sports photographs. Most compact digital cameras produce high to very high image noise.

ISO 800, 1600 and above - useful for taking photos in very low light, or outside in good light when increased shutter speeds are required. Results can be disappointing when shooting at these high numbers with compact digital cameras, so take test photos before photographing an important event.

High Auto ISO mode- the camera uses automatically chooses a very high ISO number. If the camera has a High ISO mode, it is usually a fixed number, such as ISO 3200. The camera may also automatically reduce the size of images shot in High ISO mode.


Unknown berkata... [Reply]

salam Rai,

kakyong selalu guna auto jer.. tahu le juga sket2 pasal ISO tp sbb tak expert, so guna auto jer..

Unknown berkata... [Reply]

salam kak yong,
sori lambat reply..ada tetamu..tak mengonline kan diri..hehe..

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